The conference invites submission of papers on the topics given below but not limited to:
Conference Dates
Last Date of Full Paper Submission
Review Completion
Last Date of Notification of Acceptance
Camera - Ready Deadline
(Session Chairs)
1. Submission Guidelines
Authors must submit their manuscripts through the official email id of AMBIG 2015 conference - ............ by the designated deadline. Submissions must be in the specified format (e.g., PDF) and adhere to the conference’s template and guidelines for formatting and content. All author names, affiliations, and identifying information must be removed from the main body of the manuscript to maintain anonymity. The first page should be the title page containing the title, author names, affiliations, and contact details. The corresponding author must be marked clearly.
2. Initial Screening
The Program Committee (PC) will conduct an initial screening to ensure that submissions meet basic requirements (e.g., adherence to format, relevance to conference themes).
Submissions that fail to meet these requirements will be desk-rejected without further review.
3. Reviewer Assignment
Each manuscript passing the initial screening will be assigned to three reviewers from the Technical Program Committee (TPC), selected based on their expertise in the subject matter.
Reviewers will not have access to the author information, and authors will not have access to reviewer identities, ensuring the double-blind nature of the process.
4. Review Process
Reviewers will evaluate submissions based on the following criteria:
Relevance to the conference themes.
Originality and novelty of the research.
Methodological rigor.
Clarity and quality of presentation.
Contribution to the field.
Each reviewer will provide a detailed review, including constructive feedback, and assign a numerical score (e.g., 1-5 or 1-10 scale) for each criterion.
Reviewers will also make an overall recommendation (Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision, or Reject).
5. Reviewer Consensus
After individual reviews are completed, reviewers assigned to the same manuscript will participate in an online discussion (if necessary) to address any major discrepancies in their evaluations.
A summary of the consensus, along with individual reviews, will be provided to the Program Chair.
6. Program Chair Decision
The Program Chair will review all feedback and recommendations to make a final decision on each manuscript.
Possible decisions include:
Accept: Manuscript is accepted as-is or with minor editorial revisions.
Revise and Resubmit: Authors are invited to address reviewer comments and submit a revised version for a second round of review.
Reject: Manuscript is not suitable for the conference.
7. Notification to Authors
Authors will receive detailed feedback from reviewers and the Program Chair’s decision via email.
For accepted papers requiring revisions, authors must resubmit their revised manuscripts by the specified deadline.
8. Final Submission and Publication
Accepted papers, including those accepted after revisions, must be finalized in the conference’s camera-ready format.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their final submission adheres to all formatting and copyright requirements.
9. Ethical Considerations
Plagiarism (above 15%) or any form of academic dishonesty will result in immediate rejection of the submission and potential disqualification of the authors from future conferences.
Reviewers and Program Committee members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from evaluating such submissions.
10. Important Dates
Submission Deadline:
March 1, 2025
Review Completion: March 30, 2025
Notification of Decisions: April 15, 2025
Camera-Ready Deadline: April 30, 2025
Conference Date: May 28-30, 2025
11. Contact Information
For any questions regarding the submission or review process, authors can contact the AMBIG 2015 Program Committee at +917891233350